Meet Our Teachers



Smokey is a 22 year old jet black Quarter Horse gelding that everyone falls in love with at first sight. He is as laid back as they come and is able to adjust his energy up or down to that of one working with him

Popeye is an incredibly handsome 21 year old Tobiano Paint Quarter Horse gelding that is Sandy’s main man. He has one blue eye and loves treats. He also has big feet.


Onyx is a Dark Bay Mustang that was born in a holding pen. He came into my life at a time when I needed him most. We recovered from trauma together and part of his recovery came in the form of gingerbread men. Run, run, run, fast as you can, you can’t catch me, but Onyx can! He is obsessed to say the least with ginger snaps. Hooked on Onyx worked for me and I have no doubt he can help you too!


Bah Kho Je


Hee-Haw is a grey and white miniature Sicilian donkey. He is a Jack of all trades but has politely declined the work force in eager anticipation of Hollywood discovering him to star in the next Shrek film. He is Minnie’s baby daddy, carries the cross of Jesus on his back and is no Eeyore.

Bah Kho Je is a 10 year old grey Thoroughbred gelding that is obsessed with alfalfa hay. He survived a traumatic trailer accident and has a permanent goofy grin to show for it. He is truly the sweetest horse ever.

Caddo is an 8 year old bay mare of undisclosed breeding that often likes to impersonate Tina Turner. For many years she was malnourished and left to her own defenses but blossomed under proper care. She is a true friend to the donkeys.

Minnie Pearl



Fala is a 4 year old dark bay Appendix bred filly that eats like a pig. Don’t let her table manners fool you though, she’s as feminine and elegant as they come and all the boys love her, but not based on her photos as she is very un-photogenic.

Cayuse is a 4 year old dark bay Quarter Horse colt that was once a racehorse. He survived a neurological disease and likes wearing white socks. He has the most extraordinary amber colored eyes.

Azul is a Cremello gelding that was once named Booger and thought he was a cow. I saved him from going to the sale barn and incorporated him into my herd of horses. He is the low man on the totem pole but has learned that being a horse is way cooler than being a cow-there is less chance of being eaten for one! Azul loves to be loved on and will close his blue eyes in delight from it.

Minnie Pearl is a white miniature female donkey, also called a Jenny, that thinks she should’ve been born a lap cat. If you see an orange donkey running around, it’s her, because she often foregoes bath time for fun.


Caly is a 15 year old red-headed diva chestnut Quarter Horse mare that competes in barrel racing and cattle sorting. If she has a fly on her rear end, she will let you know quick! She is your stereotypical ginger.



Sandy is a 14 year old legally blonde bombshell Palomino Quarter Horse mare that thinks quick on her feet. She is working towards becoming the next cover model for “Neigh”belline and is going to start a new reality tv series called, Someone’s Got Talent But We Don’t Know Who

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